Monday, August 16, 2010

U.S. Constitution offends some people

Joan Walsh, Senior Editor of put it in context for me. I speak of the hue and cry regarding an Islamic Mosque being built close to the 9/11 Twin Towers site. The one called Ground Zero.

This evening on the Ed Schultz Show, Ms. Walsh related the elation of her parents when Irish Catholic John Kennedy was elected 35th President of the United States of America on January 20, 1961.

I immediately recalled long forgotten memories how the American Pots and Pan Brigades polarized the country regarding propaganda of the Pope dictating American policies through Pres. Kennedy and the fact a Catholic had never before been a President of the U.S. It was all doom and gloom and it was ugly!

And now the same conspicuously older clunking and banging Pots and Pan Brigades, along with a few younger converts, are telling us how offended they are with the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution allowing freedom of religions in America.

The U.S. Constitution speaks:
How shall I offend thee? Let me count the ways. I will allow John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Barack Hussein Obama to become President of the United States of America. I will allow the abolishment of slavery and allow Black and white children to be educated in the same building. I will allow Blacks to vote and bestow unto them freedoms to marry out of their race and live wherever their desires lead them. I will offend thee. Let me count the ways. I cannot and will not apologize for offending you for the very reasons that you are so offended, you will never, ever understand my realities. With that said, I’ll let you onto a little secret about me, myself, being offended: What is offensive to me is the fact that close to ten years after the 9/11 incident, your venerated Twin Towers “sacred Grounds Zero” site is still a mere hole in the ground and chances are the disputed Mosque will be built and fully functional before the new Twin Towers get out of its hole in the ground. I remind you, the new Twin Towers has been under construction for the past ten years. Let’s talk about offenses, shall we, and just for fun, let’s hurl “priorities” into the mix and, oh, let us not forget throwing in the venerated “mis-placed anger!”

As always,
P.S. The ADL may not realize with its position on the Mosque being built in New York City near Ground Zero, they have re-kindled feelings regarding accurate and sober accounts of the Holocaust.


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