Sunday, June 27, 2010

Will “Chicken Little” be at Gen. Petraeus’ confirmation hearings?

Nursery rhymes are such handy tools and so much fun to read. You can find one for almost all of lifes’ situation. Their aged old endless cornucopia of wisdom never cease to both amaze and amuse me.

This morning, I found a "Chicken Little" scenario in the following passage written by *Robert Greenwald for the Huffington Post:
"Next week, during General Petraeus' confirmation hearing, you'll see politicians calling for delaying American withdrawal from Afghanistan. You'll hear cold-blooded armchair generals decrying protections for civilians in the war zone. But these vicious chest-thumpers are dangerously misreading the public mood about the war. You can prove them wrong and prove McChrystal inner circle wrong by joining the 35,000 of us organizing against the war on Rethink Afghanistan's Facebook page."

Here is the nursery rhyme….

Chicken Little was in the woods,
A seed fell on his tail.
He met Henny Penny and said,

"The sky is falling.
  I saw it with my eyes.
  I heard it with my ears.
  Some of it fell on my tail."

He met Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky,
and Goosey Loosey.
They ran to tell the king.

They met Foxy Loxy.
They ran into his den,
And they did not come out again.

And here is my interest….

Come this Tuesday, I will be sitting in my living room, eating popcorn, glued to my television set, breathlessly waiting to see which one of our good Senators will be Chicken Little. I’m gonna have so much fun! Then I will focus on locating Henny Penny, the first one showing great interest and thereby, in my opinion, advancing the clarion call for delaying troop withdrawals from Afghanistan.

And then I will sit back, pop more popcorn as needed and begin watching the rest of the barn yard cheerleaders do their festive and colorful half-time “Sky Is Falling” thingy.

Yessireree, this Tuesday I’m gonna have a ball! Who says politics is boring and ain’t no fun? Tuesday is becoming one of my favorite days of the week. (Smile)
As always,



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