Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thoughts on the “Do or Die(ers)”

What I am learning about the “Do or Die” personality is how much the “die” part effects me.
Whether the issue is political or personal, many people are effected by persons embracing the negative or positives of a “Do or die” mind set i.e., Dr. Martin Luther King Vs. Gov. Mark Sanford Vs. Sen. Max Baucus Vs. Mr. Mousavi of Iran.

Judging from the positions of Pres. Obama, it appears to me he neither believes in “Do or die” rhetoric nor conduct. He is of the school of thought that says, “Look, you don’t have to go that far. Let’s sit down and talk about it. I’m sure we can find some common ground.”
What has gotten my strongest attention of late is the past “Do or die” rhetoric of Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina that came home to roost. I am mindful of his strong stance regarding the stimulus money to his state wherein his peers not only voted against his stance on the issue but additionally giving him a swift kick in the butt by over turning many of his recent vetoes. In my opinion, that was akin to being tarred and feathered and he himself spared them the glee of running him out of town by doing so himself.

It is my understanding by making efforts to refuse the stimulus money, Gov. Sanford was messing with the educational system in his state. If he were successful we all know the impact would have been greatest in the poorer, predominately Black communities.

It was during Gov. Sanford’s press conference yesterday I took particular note of two African-American females in the background who were, in my opinion, wearing the historically enigmatic Mona Lisa smile; Gov. Mark Sanford, along with his “Do or die” approach to the stimulus package, had died. There are those who would believe it was fate that sealed his doom.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. Governor Sanford Sees Loss in Stimulus Fight
Mr. Sanford, the only governor to take his opposition to the bailout funding to court, said his best hope had been before a federal judge "because it's federal money and the federal prerogative, we believe, was given to the governor" to decide whether to accept the funds.
The state's legislature says the money is vital to avoid mass layoffs of teachers and other cutbacks. The U.S. Dept. of Education recently set a July 1 deadline for governors to apply for the so-called fiscal stabilization funds, which are slated to be used for education and public safety, among other things.

Keith and Rachel, please apologize regarding Sanford emails.
by Jack Dublin
I cringed last night while Keith Olbermann mocked the contents of emails sent by South Carolina Governor Sanford (R) to his lover. I couldn't understand why Keith felt so compelled to read the elove letters word for word. I could not find one bit of newsworthy information in his routine. I was sickened by the glint of joy I saw in Keith's eyes as he pounded away at the contents of the love letters.
Then came Rachel Maddow, the political commentator that I trust most. And she seemed to be making fun of Sanford's emails. My heart sank. I was ashamed to be a liberal if being a liberal meant that we cheered the unnecessary fire bombing of a person's love life.,-please-apologize-regarding-Sanford-emails.


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