Saturday, October 04, 2008

America plays favoritism (Update)

*Palin says Obama ‘palling around’ with terrorists..
‘This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America’…

In my opinion, this is one of those statements wherein you say, “I’ll defend your right to say it”. But…. (and this is the inspiration for this post)

It is hard to say what an American is but not hard to identify the American America wants to have; the one America loves to call its own. The American that makes it swell with pride. The American America wants us to want.
One would have little to no difficulty believing the movers and shakers of this country reject an American like Sen. Obama and embraces Americans like Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin; their favorites.

With the campaign of Sen. Obama, the movers and shakers of America have told us time and time again they do not want a well educated, thinking person running America. The Swift Boaters told us that with the 2004 Presidential run of Sen. Kerry, Chuck Told us that with the 2008 Presidential run of Sen. Kucinich and Nancy Pelosi told us that with the Chairmanship of Rep. McKinney. They have told the intelligentsia in no uncertain terms there is no place for you here in the higher echelons of America. We don’t want you here! You are a mis-fit; an undesirable, the skunk wandering onto the lawn during the garden party. We have other plans for this country and you, alas, are not a part of it. Subtleties are off the table. Read our lips: We. Do. Not. Want. You!! Long live Sen. McCain! Long live Gov. Palin, our kind of people. And the rest of you clowns, move! Get outta’ thuh way! Forward…..march! Hep two, three, four….(Music: "March of the Orwellian State Workers” followed by “March of the Big Brothers.”) The villagers cheer and the dogs bark.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
* Palin says Obama…..

Biden More Impressed with Obama now than Ever
by CalexanderJ
Sat Oct 04, 2008 at 03:54:28 PM PDT
Biden says Obama reminds him of Bill Clinton in his "confidence, cognitive ability, judgment" and intellectual security—that he can listen and absorb advice without having to prove he's the smartest person in the room, a critical leadership skill. He says he experienced an "epiphany" during a recent conference call on the bailout bill with Bob Rubin, Paul Volcker, Warren Buffett, Paul O'Neill, Joseph Stiglitz, Larry Summers and Laura Tyson. "He [Obama] comes on the call and says, 'Well, folks, sorry I'm late. I've got four questions.' He was in total frigging command! Here's a 47-year-old guy in one of the most complicated economic dilemmas anyone has had to face since 1929 to '33. And it was like, 'Bang! Bang! Bang!' I called him afterward and said, 'You sold me, sucker!
' "


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