Saturday, July 26, 2008

Healing myself, thank you.

So many thoughts going around here this morning. I’ll just start with the one that just slapped me upside my head: Sen. Obama will have more to say on lots of issues when he becomes the official Democratic nominee for President of the United States on August 25, 2008. His self discipline makes me cringe at times but I have to be continually mindful of the fact *Sen. Obama knows as I do, there is a time and a place for everything. If Hillary could not get him to expose the depth of his knowledge on certain issues, lesser forces do not have a prayer in hell. This is gonna be a looooong morning for me.

*Obama. The War Candidate.
by White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 09:29:40 PM PDT
Hard Talk on BBC-World had a program I can not shake. It was an interview with a ex-CIA operative, **Robert Baer, who said Iran does not need a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel and bring America tumbleling down. He stated Iran “has grown up” and it can destroy Israel through “soft diplomacy”. Iran, he states, has already proven it’s dominance over Israel with the recent confrontation involving Lebanon wherein Israel lost. Twice.

He said of Iraq and in my words, like Humpty-Dumpty the three fractions of Iraq can not be put together again. In his exact words, “Iraq will never come back together”. Iraq will be an adjunct to Iran and President Ahmadinejad is a “by-polar maniac”. I viewed the program again tonight and my account of the interview and what I heard has not changed. It is a very sobering interview one can contrast with the Hannity, Limbaugh et. al., rhetoric. In my opinion, what Robert Baer articulates could at least make you sound intelligent when confronting these guys.

**In a HARDtalk interview broadcast on 21st of July, Stephen Sackur talks to Robert
This diary by ***GreyHawk was the crowning glory of my late night, early morning reading. GreyHawk comes as that breath of fresh air to a conversation. Not as a best friend or anything like that but just descending upon the conversation as a breath of fresh air. If there were a “Fresh Air” award, GreyHawk would definitely get my vote.

I view his diary as a string quartet quietly playing in the drawing room to a select group of invited guest from DKos sipping good wine and me, of course, drinking my Grand Marnier which others do not notice nor do they care.

It is the last movement, the last song on his diary if you will, that leaves me a bit unsettled. I personally feel it does not culminate but I will be pleasant having partaken of his gracious hospitality and especially with him not noticing both my glass and the bottle had become empty during the concert. Early on, really! Well, to be more explicit, long before my bus came to bring me home from a wonderful evening. My goodness, did I ever need that breath of fresh air. I drink a toast to GreyHawk.

***Musical Musings: Life, Politics and the Earth
by GreyHawk
Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 09:43:12 PM PDT
As always,


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