Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mitt Romney and the NAACP

It was flat out embarrassing to me witnessing  Black Caucus chairman Emanuel Cleaver and NAACP (National association for the advancement of colored people) CEO Ben Jealous struggling to articulate their feelings regarding the speech given Wednesday by Gov. Mitt Romney to members of the NAACP. .

It boggles my mind as to why the colored people of the NAACP even invited Mr. Romney to speak to them and even more mind boggling to me was for them to remain seated  listening to his contrived and un-debatable insults. Were their feet hurting too badly for them to register their indignation by simply standing  up and walking out on the speech? Were they afraid of hurting his feelings? Neither Rush Limbaugh, Rep. Wilson or Gov. Jan Brewer had that problem when addressing Pres. Obama.

If Democrats can walk out of the UN assembly hall led by Dr. Susan Rice  when Prime Minister of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  is speaking and if they can walk out of the House chambers when there is going to be a vote on repealing Obamacare as occurred earlier this week, and if they can walk out of chambers in Wisconsin, surely they can walk out when they are so blissfully insulted by a Presidential-wannabe appearing to stand by every affront he uttered.  Color me ‘disgusted!’

- Mr. Romney, sir, you insulted us.
- You invited me to speak, didn't you? Didn’t you?? Well, I did. What’s your problem, boy, weren’t you listening?

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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