Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The GOP and the Monkey House at the zoo

I can not say with any degree of accuracy the first time I saw monkeys at the zoo. It may have been with Miss Butlers’ third grade class or Miss Hawkins’ fifth grade class but I clearly remember seeing them in person for the first time and for whatever reason, I do not recall being amused. This was around 1947 in Washington, D.C. and I was ten years old.

I don’t remember  my fellow classmates and me gawking and belly-laughing at the antics of the monkeys in their cages. Truth to say, I have never thought  monkeys  to be funny until now.

 Now is the “Funny season” Pres Obama spoke about during his previous campaign season and thanks to many members of the GOP it is hilarious! In my opinion, GOP congresspersons and pundits are the monkeys at the zoo I previously thought not to be funny. What they can do with what our society considers common sense and logic is truly amazing. I am ecstatic! The monkey is a very funny and entertaining animal. Touché!

As always,


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