Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On hiring teachers, policemen and firemen

There are frantic cries to pass bills awarding stimulus money to states enabling them to hire more teachers, policemen and firemen in what is referred to as “public service worker jobs”.

It is my understanding that stimulus money is finite and when the designated funds are depleted, the state will have all of those newly hired salaried workers on its hands it would have to deal with. There would be pension funds to continue paying into, single and family health care plans to sustain along with other employment related issues.

It should be further noted that those same workers may now be locked into and protected by unions and other organizations who are depending on the workers to pay their organizational dues and will vigorously fight for their continued employment.

This dilemma could cause big financial concerns for the state and its legislators. I understand this is the reason some states do not want stimulus money of any kind arguing the point, in many instances, its hiring practices are  local issues.

Although there maybe other reasons, this is the one I know about due to a situation that came up during the Clinton Administration with the hiring of policemen. 

As always,


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