Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mitt Romney (finally) realizes he has no clothes

There comes a time when people like parents and school teachers realize the person with whom they are dealing  has lost interest. In my opinion and from my experiences, Presidential aspirant Mitt Romney displayed those qualities last Sunday on “Meet the press” hosted by Bob Scheiffer. I think it was a watershed moment for Mr. Romney.

I confess the feelings you get from answers to your questions that the person is no longer interested is a nebulous one  but just like pornography, ‘You know it when you see it’. At some point, I had the same feelings about Presidential hopeful John McCain that I continue to believe  to be true.

People like Mr. Romney and John McCain are not unlike ordinary people; that is what they are. There is a time during their campaigning when they come to realize that winning the office of the President of a country is way beyond their grasp, their temperament and intellect. There is an event or series of events that renders a cold, hard slap to  their face telling  them to “Wake Up! This is not the piece of cake you thought it was going to be. This is serious business. It’s time to face reality and re-view the situation you’ve gotten yourself into!" Enough said.

As always,
 P.S. When the President was interrupted in the Rose Garden the other day, I was surprised a secret service agent or two did not jump at his side. How did they know the heckler was not a diversion?


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