Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are Democrats bad for Pres. Obama? (Update)

I have learned to date  there are thirty two Democrats who will vote tomorrow holding Sec. Eric Holder “In Contempt of Congress”.

It is further my understanding the thirty two  Democrats will vote for the  Contempt Charges due to fears of the wrath that would come from  the National Rifle Association (NRA). It has been noted the NRA will be monitoring and grading their votes for sustained and/or future political endorsements.

Votes from the thirty two Democrats will simultaneously occur as many polls are showing Presidential  aspirant Mitt Romney and Pres. Obama being neck-n-neck in popularity. Their  votes will simultaneously occur as the U.S. Supreme Court renders its decisions on the constitutionally of Obamacare. Their votes will occur as Mainstream Media is telling us over and over that the November elections will be about jobs and the economy and under those circumstances alone, thirty two Democrats are going to shift focus by voting to condemn a fellow Democrat who also happens to be a cabinet member appointed by their party leader, Pres. Obama. The phrase “Have you no shame?” comes to mind.

In my opinion, there are many Democrats who do not care which party is in power as long as they themselves are a member of Congress with help from groups like the NRA. It is hard  to know how many other votes they have rendered in the past for the one objective of keeping their jobs and I can only imagine breathtaking justifications. Those thirty two Democrats are not only bad for Pres. Obama but also bad for America and democracy. There have to be credible alternatives to their perpetual and national embarrassments. I remain optimistic.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,

God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

(Update) The Serial Ineptitude of the DemocratsBy Ralph Nader
Most of the elected Democrats seem interested in themselves and less so with their party’s victory and mission for America. Attendance at the regular meetings of the House Democratic Caucus is way down. President Obama operates as if he cares only about numero uno, even though not regaining the House and keeping the Senate will freeze a second term into acrimony and inaction.
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