Monday, July 09, 2012

Are Republicans bad for America or…..

are they America?

Just as  “*Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…” and as anything in life, my title could be justifiably debated either way. As per my title, a debate could be made  regarding the Republicans’ influences on America or conversely, the debate could be on Americas’ influences on Republicans.

It is my understanding America was warned by rating agencies it was treading on thin ice coming up to the debt ceiling debacle that occurred last year. The agencies articulated the fact that internal strife and bickering could make world-wide investors nervous. World-wide investors did get nervous and Americas’ credit rating was downgrade from AAA to AA+ by the credit rating agency Moody’s.

As internal strife and bickering continues with the recent  public tar and fettering of our Attorney General Eric Holder and challenges to the U.S. Supreme Courts’ decision  regarding Obamacare become pregnant in addition to what is referred to as the Financial Cliff occurring at years’ end, I am mindful credit agencies have once again warned America of the strife and bickering causing investors to be nervous.

Finally and in my opinion, there is a dead-lock in America between to forces: One being  forces defending influences of racism and the other force defending influences of anti-Semitism and never will the twain meet. China and India and a few other countries do not have this problem. As the man said, “Only in America”.

BTW, it was curious  to me that just before leaving office, Pres. “W” Bush wrote an executive order making it extremely difficult, if not impossible,  to fire certain government workers.  I’ve always wondered what that was all about. Why did that group group of government workers need an executive order protecting their jobs? Why were they so special? My curiousness continues.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
* The Road Not Taken


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