Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gov. Mitt Romney stays on message

The message Mr. Romney has embraced is: I’m white and the President isn’t.

Mr. Romney is totally entrenched in his message supported by his surrogates who feel, from historical data, being white in America trumps all cards on the table.

I have no problems with the Romney message but my true interest is witnessing how it is accomplished; the inner-guts of the process. I’m beginning to publicly see how behind the scenes decisions are  made to not promote Blacks into higher echelons of a business or organization. I am beginning to see the foundations that have to be lain, the pains-taking attention given to the most minute and irreverent of details and the use of symbolisms to retrieve collaborating memories. I am beginning to see techniques of how to influence innate critical thinking skills.

In my opinion, Mr. Romney and his surrogates feel it was a fluke Barack Obama was inaugurated the 44th President of the U.S. and feel if we know what they know about Blacks, it will not happen again. They want to take another bite at the apple. It boggles their minds how this could have happened with the carefully and meticulously laid trappings in our society for Blacks; hence “The Obama derangement syndrome” and I am also mindful of “Barack, the magic negro”.

 They feel they have a mission, duty bound, if you will, to inform us that this country did not become the greatest country in the world relying on a Black to be in control of its inner workings in any meaningful capacity.  They want us to believe the influences of Blacks has been and will continue to be, if they have anything to do with it, insignificant, inconsequential, and marginal at best. And if they miss their mission mark and Pres. Obama is re-elected, they could not say they did  pull out all of the stops and tried their damnest.

I am finished and getting off the pot leaving it for whomever is next in line. I hope he/she has political diarrhea!!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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