Sunday, July 29, 2012

Eric Holder and Huma Abedin

Department of Justice Sec. Holder is the person Rep. Darryell Issa tarred and feathered last month and publicly hung from a tree via a successful Contempt of Congress charge.

Word on the street was Issa wanted to embarrass and bring shame to the Obama Administration.

Ms. Huma Abedin is a personal aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and is being tarred and feathered by Sen. Michelle Bachman. Her public lynching is by associating her with close relationships to the group Brotherhood of Muslims. It is on Bachmans’ wish list to conduct an investigation.

Although this may be another successful attempt to embarrass the Obama Administration, my Hiney Shiney is telling me this odious situation has a lot to do with Hillarys’ new son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky and his political associations.

I know Bachman -by directly targeting Mezvinsky- does not want to get a “Be careful” letter from ADL leader Abraham Foxman but I think the closest she can get to Hillary and the Obama administration is through her aide Huma. Is Joe Biden next?

As always,
P.S. For some odd reason, Huma reminds me of sweet, frail and defenseless Mimi from La bohème.


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