Sunday, October 16, 2011

The world wants *'enry 'iggins 'ead!

The movement Occupy Wall Street has gone world-wide. In my opinion, prosecution and jail time for the Wall Street Banksters would be the only mechanisms that could be used to quail escalating disturbances.

It there is one thing irritating to most people it is an un-punished crime. It both angers and eats at the victim of the crime like a terminal cancer.

Additionally, it is said a crime not only effects the victim but also the victims' family and the whole community. I would imagine doctors, mental health workers and ethical prosecutors know the feelings of crime victims all too well.

As always,
P.S. Denying Elizabeth Warren chairmanship of the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was another crime against humanity performed by Wall Street Banksters.

OWS Protest Goes Global as Public Support Grows

By YUVAL ROSENBERG, The Fiscal Times
The Occupy Wall Street movement that started out as a relatively small gathering in lower Manhattan on September 17 has grown into a global event four weeks later. Through blogs, Twitter, and Facebook pages, protest organizers were preparing for a “global day of action against Wall Street greed” on Saturday, claiming to have coordinated demonstrations scheduled for 951 cities in 82 countries across the U.S., Europe, and even Asia, Africa, and South America.
Read more at:

* Video: "Just you wait" (Henry Higgins head) from the 1956 musical My Fair Lady.


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