Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Two mud wrestlers Vs. He who walks on water

During the ‘08 Presidential Primaries, I am mindful of a whole collection of brilliant cartoons depicting Senator Obama walking on water. They were hilarious as only our most brilliant cartoonist could capture and I would not be surprised if many of them are not already collectors’ items.
Looking at the cartoons made me laugh so hard that many times I remembered not laughing so hard since the original shows of Saturday Night Live.

I am not a sports fan so watching mud wrestlers Rick Perry and Mitt Romney do their thing is personally of no interest to me. However, the time will come to past in 2012 when one of the mud wrestlers will have to confront “Him” who walks on water. I am torn between the words ‘Blasphemy’ and ‘Godforsaken’.

I am finding facts very curious that certain people get away with easy to prosecute law-breaking behavior:

1. Wall Street Banksters

2. Tareq and Michaele Salachi- Crashing White House state dinner

3. James O’Keefe - Wire tapping, no jail time

4. Patrick Howley - Public disturbance, trespassing, closing down a public building, inciting to riot

5. James von Brunn -Identified as lone assassin for murder at Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. No accomplishes

Kudos to members of Occupy Wall Street for rejecting any and all efforts to avoid the land mines of identifying with either political party. The votes on the upcoming Jobs’ Bill will validate their decision. Already, there are very creative minds hard at work with efforts to discredit their movement by any means necessary.

There are killers on our police forces; people who just like and want to kill. Civil Rights Worker Bob Law told us years ago on WOL am radio that killer policeman do not care whom they kill but one thing they know for sure is they can almost always get away with killing Blacks. He said they will kill anyone, Black or white, if they could get away with it. He said they imbed themselves in places like our police forces.

In my opinion and contrary to what Rachel Maddow reported last night what *Glenn Beck said, these killer policeman are waiting for the word to do whatever they want to do to members of Occupy Wall Street as soon as influential politicians give them the word. They are murderers in full view and events like Occupy Wall Street raises their killer-instincts levels. Sad but true. The movement must never forget they are messin’ wif the voracious mind-set of Wall Street who consider many of us their disposable minions.

As always,

*Glenn Beck said members of Occupy Wall Street will kill people for their cause. I don't know why Rachel would report such garbage.


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