Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The President and his images of the CBC

Last night, the President was keynote speaker at the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)Foundation Gala and everyone is all *aflutter as to the jest of his speech.

In my opinion, the President of the United States was publicly venting his feelings and interpretations as to how the CBC appears to him and to some it may have come off as a Black on Black crime but a closer look is in order.

The speech was a motivational speech much like the ones we old Black teachers use to give to our Black students in segregated schools or like speeches given later on to early Civil Rights Workers by preachers and other Black leaders.

Many members of the CBC grew up in environments wherein we were exposed to such speeches at any given time and I think the President, rightly or wrongly, was saying, “Look here, ya’ll, it’s time to wake up! It’s a new world. Thoughts are different, people are different and people articulate themselves differently. Stop worrying about the TeaBaggers or what somebody else is doing and put on your thinking caps! You can do better. I know you can. Right now, this is your finest hour. It won't get any better for you to strut your stuff. Take advantage of it. The old spiritual says, “Rise! Shine! Show God your glory!” And with all this new technology around you, use it. Write more books, get on the Sunday shows more often and for Gods' sake, know what you are talking about. If you don't speak well, and you know who you are, then shell out the money to pay for a good speech writer. Start foundations in your home towns and invite me. I’ll come. You still live in the past. Times have changed! Believe me when I tell you it took more than your prayers to get me to where I am today. If you only knew. I tell you this because I want you to wake up and grow up, dammit! I need you!”
Below is an excerpt from what the President actually said during his speech:
So I don't know about you, CBC, but the future rewards those who press on. (Applause.) With patient and firm determination, I am going to press on for jobs. (Applause.) I'm going to press on for equality. (Applause.) I'm going to press on for the sake of our children. (Applause.) I'm going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I am going to press on. (Applause.)

I expect all of you to march with me and press on. (Applause.) Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. (Applause.) Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We've got work to do, CBC. (Applause.)
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*P.S. I am mindful of the song from the 1963 movie “Bye bye Birdie” called Telephone Hour.


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