Thursday, October 20, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way to the American Dream

We Blacks got in the way.

I heard many years ago that America was never supposed to be a non-white country. The rationale was to bring Blacks here to clear a country, build a nation and send us back home to Africa.

To have an all white nation was tried in Australia, Apartheid South Africa and more recently, in Israel with each country replete with sky-scrapers of horror stories.

In America, to put people of all walks of life to work so all of them can enjoy a full quality of life is contrary to the nerve conductors in the brains of our collective Oligarchy and their hand picked minions. The fallacious paths of their nerve conductors will not and can not change: The notion that America will somehow become a white country keeps them in a fallacious rapture. The song says, “You have to be carefully taught to love and hate”.

The America Oligarchy has been carefully taught. We see evidence of it each and every day on our television, in books we read, in our newspapers and hear re-enforcements of equal strength on our radios 24/7. “Our country would be so much better if you Blacks(sp) were not here” is their creed and we whites would be so much happier.

In America of today, we all know too well the results of Blacks beating their chest with cries to the Oligarchy, “Give me liberty or give me death”. The Oligarchy will gladly accommodate us with justifiable death.

I have yet to hear Pres. Obama or any member of his administration telling us why we can not have a Marshal Plan here in America or a second version of the CCC camps which was the brainchild of the FDR administration. Blueprints are there. Testimonies are there. There would be no need to re-invent the wheel and no need to conceive and develop positive ideas when trying to put people to work. It was successful before. Find the blueprints, dust them off and use them.

What do we get? We get a complicated 150 page doom-laden document from the President masquerading as a bill to get Americans back to work.

In my most fervent opinion and due to nerve conductors of the Oligarchy, America will never be a country again wherein all can pursue and enjoy the American dream in comfort.

I am mindful Bill Krystol, founder of The Weekly Standard has already pronounced the wedge that Occupy Wall Street is an anti-Semitic movement. What’s next?

We would have to be closely associated with the neve centers of Tim Geithner et al to really understand why Elizabeth Warren did not get chairmanship of the newly form citizens’ advocacy agency. I do believe there is a relationship between that chairmanship and jobs for the masses. All roads lead to Wall Street.

As always,
P.S. American racism is very difficult to write about. There are so many interlocking facets but I do know it when I see it.


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