Monday, September 26, 2011

You finally learn where babies come from

It’s not so bad knowing who really runs this country and I think it is safe to say the role of the Presidency is that of a figurehead: An ornament, an instrument for ceremonial duties and at times, a scapegoat, if you will.

I am learning the buck no longer stops with the Presidency. I think Pres. Eisenhower alerted us when he highlighted concerns we citizens should have regarding the military industrial complex.

There were two instances that occurred last week alerting me to the ‘figurehead’ office of the President. First there was the book by Ron Suskind revealing how the wishes of the President could be ignored or ‘slow walked’ and then there was the Presidents’ continued threat to veto a request by the Palestinians for statehood.

There were people making the President cross his heart and hope to die that he would veto any vote for statehood for the Palestinians backed by a bill by *Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen designed to cut off specific aid to them if they were to proceed in their efforts to get statehood. Co-sponsors of the bill are both Democrats and Republicans.

From the reviews of the latest book by **Ron Suskind, I learned the bucks stops with Bernanke, Geithner and Poulsin, who are also the people who would not allow the President to hire peoples’ advocate Elizabeth Warren. The same thing happened when “W” wanted to put Harriett Miers on the U.S. Supreme Court: There were loud cries of opposition from Bill Kristal and Charles Krauthammer.

I am tired of Main Street Media not calling out the individuals and heads of agencies for decisions they have made instead of attributing everything to the President but then, that is the purpose of having a figurehead. I guess I just have to live with it. It is what it is. (Sigh)
As always,




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