Sunday, May 23, 2010

Are they mean enough to destroy America?

Before the Bush administration, it was almost impossible believing people could be mean and evil, and I continue to struggle with that reality.

In my opinion, America was already on its way to being destroyed by the Bush/Cheney cabal in the White House by being mean and evil and with lots of help from their friends and the fat, swollen wallets of the Congress.

Their rational was different in those days and when the oligarchy realized Barack Obama was destined to become President, their rational changed. The oligarchy was still determined to rape and destroy America but now they had a scapegoat made in heaven; A Black man, a Black man destined to become President and using the tools of their trade by simply attaching Black stereotypes onto the incoming Black President, it was a piece of cake.

They knew it would be easy. The country had already been fully conditioned to believe Black people are incompetent.

As we have witnessed, the oligarchy had comrades in very high places and I continue to believe John McCain did not want the job as President. He was not that stupid not knowing what was going on.

For me, the shot across the bow came at the Inauguration Ceremony with Chief Justice Roberts administering the oath of office. For many of us, the seemingly innocent twisting of the words incident did not go un-noticed with its tremendous symbolism. Indeed it was a well crafted trap designed to say Obama was too stupid to notice the oath had been changed. The media would have had a field day with that one but the plot was foiled; the Black man standing in front of him and soon to become the 43rd President of the U.S. knew what he was doing.

There has to be many more traps that were set for the President that we will hear about bye and bye.

In my opinion, the Inauguration Day incident was the first overt intentions to transfer blame to Pres. Obama and as of today, we end up with *James Carvelle calling the President “lackadaisical” i.e., shiftless and lazy and before that we had the infamous remarks from Rush Limbaugh, “I hope he (the President) fails!”.

There is no doubt in my mind Pres. Obama is being blackmailed with full knowledge the oligarchy would, with no conscious whatsoever, plummet this country into full third world status, stealing all of our treasure and knowing he would be left holding the bag.

To answer my own question, I say “Yes!" They are mean enough to destroy America. The destruction was well on its way before the President took office.

If and when such a destruction of America does occur, I am mindful Ex-Pres. Bush bought property in Paraguay. He does not have duel citizenship with Israel so he can’t go there as can many other contributors.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

* With All Due Respect, James Carville Is No Expert On Oil Spills
by NedSparks
There has been a growing chorus of individuals bent on casting blame on the Obama administration for not being able to control the oil spill. Carville recently stated that he thought the Obama administration has been "lackadaisical" in its response to this emergency, despite documented evidence, which is listed below of the White House working diligently on this matter.

Carville is one of many in the media including Chris Matthews, who are now, after being confronted with such a tremendous catastrophe, looking hard and fast for someone to take the blame, and because, in Matthews’ estimation, Barack Obama isn’t sufficiently frothing at the mouth and issuing plumes of steam from his nostrils, it is clear that he is "lackadaisical" and is partially at fault.
Read more at:,-James-Carville-Is-No-Expert-On-Oil-Spills

mean, low, base, abject, ignoble, sordid. These adjectives mean lacking in dignity or falling short of the standards befitting humans.

Mean suggests pettiness, spite, or niggardliness: "Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own" (J.M. Barrie).

Something low violates standards of morality, ethics, or propriety: low cunning; a low trick.

Base suggests a contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish lack of human decency: "that liberal obedience, without which your army would be a base rabble" (Edmund Burke).

Abject means brought low in condition: abject submission; abject poverty.

means lacking noble qualities, such as elevated moral character: "For my part I think it a less evil that some criminals should escape than that the government should play an ignoble part" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.).

Sordid suggests foul, repulsive degradation: "It is through art . . . that we can shield ourselves from the sordid perils of actual existence" (Oscar Wilde).


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