Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pictures At My Exibition (Update)

Joe Sestak and Obama’s head
How quickly the oligarchy has telescoped desires to impeach Pres. Obama for offering Mr. Sestak a job in the administration if he would drop out of the Senate race with Arlen Specter. The irony is the “Impeachment is off the table” for Pres. Bush will have come back to bite Nancy Pelosi on her butt and especially if it turns out she is the person who offered Sestak the job. The irony would indeed be hysterical.

North Korea sends torpedo to South Korea
The media refuse telling us if on March 26th the South Korean war ship was in North Korean waters or International Waters, educating us on rules and treaties regarding the high seas.

Sec. Clinton mandate women’s right
It was amusing hearing Ms. Clinton talking about wanting to see more women in Iran’s government during her speech to sanction them. As mandated by the UN, Iran is to be given the same harsh sanctions for shipping their uranium out of Iran to be refined in Turkey as they would have gotten had they done nothing.

Rep. Donna Edwards and House Speaker Pelosi
Both flashing “Hear ye, hear ye!” signs telling us of their intentions to overturn Citizens Vs. FEC which was the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court granting corporations unlimited money to use in elections.

British Petroleum scolded and fired
“Take your toys and go home! If you become bankrupted, so what? We still want you to live up to the financial commitments you made to us! Shoo! Get the hell out of here! Go, already! We’ll find a way to stop that leak. We‘re Americans! As I speak, we are preparing a special diving suit for Obama. He has an unusual relationship with water.”

Sarah Palin speaks
“High Priestess Of Logic And Wisdom” ruling the country from her court on Mount Olympus spending equal amounts of time ruling from her villa at Valhalla; a morning/afternoon thingy.

As always,
P.S. I marvel at the therapeutic qualities of writing.

*(Update) A little primer on what's happening in North Korea
by Pen
Thu May 27, 2010 at 02:36:14 PM PDT
Read the reclisted diary today about the showdown on the Korean peninsula and realized that many people don't know the full story behind what's happening over there.  So I thought I'd share a little bit of info on the recent history of the North/South Korean showdown.

To understand why North Korea sank a South Korean navy vessel, one must be aware of the circumstances surrounding the Battle of Daecheong.  Likely, few, if any, on this website has ever heard of it.
Read more at:


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