Friday, May 28, 2010

“Birds of a feather…”

Birds of a feather working for the good will of a country may work well in China or some other country considered A-tonal but not in a Multi-cultural (Multi-tonal?) country like America.

Of late, we have witnessed two disastrous outcomes of institutions heavily dominated by birds of the same feather; Wall Street and the Offices of the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS).

In my opinion, an A-tonal anything can, with the greatest of ease, morph into self-serving group-think entities contrary to the public good.

It is the easiest thing to do with the assigning of promotions and doling out perks, including going on retreats, giving away sport tickets, bestowing lucrative endowments and the likes.

True, there is a time and place for everything but a gathering of birds of the same feather in groups of people working for the good of a country like America is the proverbial recipe for disaster.

And not straying far from Wall Street to the Offices of Minerals Management Service and minus the presence of Sen. Roland Burris, we may take a historical look at the mean spirited efforts to keep him out of the Senate.
Is it possible Sen. Obama was offered the Presidency to get him out of the Senate? Would he have gotten any of his bills or amendments passed had he stayed? Did such miracles occur during the tenures of Mr. Burris or Ms. Mosley-Braun? I wonder as I wander....
Inspirational diary….
Harvard and Bush moles and bailing
by citizen k
The Obama administration has followed one of the worst precedents of the Clinton administration, failing to flood the government bureaucracy with people who can make things happen and combat the effects of decades of Republican abuse of the civil service. Why is there no effort to seek out talent buried in the civil service and help it break through the layers of outright hostile Republican plants and people who have just given up?
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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