Sunday, May 16, 2010

Incumbents and “Short memory” myth

If ever I wanted to drive a stake through the heart of a myth it is this one: “The American public has a short memory!” That one really raises the fur around my neck.

In the old days, traditional media told us only what traditional media wanted us to know. It was manipulating stories with just enough information to be vague and then dropping the story pandering to the myth the public has short memories. I note their justification was rampant and continues to exist in some corners of the Village.

And so we move on to Tuesdays’ elections. Many incumbents think we either did not notice or have forgotten how they stood in the middle of the world stage shamelessly exposing their hind-parts, including the tracks on their drawers for all to see. Most all of them did it with no regrets. Many felt their horrible behavior was “cute” or "honorable" and needed to be executed for whatever reason.

Then comes election time when they want to be re-elected. More then likely their hometown newspaper would support them and they hire a PR firm to place a halo above their heads. That is well and good. The incumbent can fold his arms and stick out his chest, hopefully for the last time. I can't wait until Wednesday, the day after elections.

Enter the political bloggers; the ones media wants to believe are afflicted with Alzheimers’ disease and just want something to do to occupy our minds. (Smile)

There is hardly an hour passes a diary does not appear on Dkos regarding important information about incumbents who are up for re-election, thereby dispelling the “Short memory” myth. The myth is dead! Done! Toast, already! Let it go!
As always,


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