Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thank you, BBC..

You made my day rendering a dignified, nay, elegant presentation of civility that can abound before, during and after a national election in ones’ country.

Thank you for not going to the crazies and neo-con elements of the UK providing what our American media considers “Balanced news”.

If Gordon Brown or Tony Blair have negative issues to advance regarding the present coalition being built, thanks for not reporting it. Thanks for not giving whatever negative remarks they may have the time of day.

If you have the mirror images of our Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reily or Glenn Becks’, thank you for not rushing to them for their take of the elections. I think when your country denied entry to creatures as Michael Savage, you knew what you were doing. The fact is evidence such characters would make your job so much harder, especially at this critical juncture, by completely polarizing and devastating your country.

And I hope you are thankful, just as I am, Dick Cheney in not a citizen of your country.

I leave with the same “Thank You” card I presented you when I entered this post and wish you well.
As always,
P.S. I have not changed my channel all day!


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