Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mitt Romney: The feather on a bird

There is much talk about Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney distancing himself from Donald Trump and his other billionaire friends. In my opinion, for Mitt Romney that would be a bad idea and  could possibly be financial suicide.

If you are one of the few billionaires in America, your economic investments would have to be inter-twined with the other billionaires and therein  lie the Achilles heel of Mitt Romney admonishing one of his peers. I would think many of them could be very vindictive, financially and otherwise.

Mitt Romney and his peers are America. Collectively they have financial interests in all aspects of our society. They are all “Birds of a feather….” and Donald Trump is showing us up front and without shame that sustaining racism is one area  filling  their  coffers and it also amuses them.
As always,


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