Saturday, October 29, 2011

For me, it's front runners Mitt Romney and Herman Cain

1. It is my understanding Rick Perry has a lot of campaign money that MSM is tapping into. All whores and their Johns have their territory they work within.

2. I understand such a loser as Rick Perry can either keep his campaign contributions for himself, donate portions to another candidate or dump it into the treasury of his party.

3. Re:Mitt Romney. It is MSM telling us we will not vote for a Mormon. I have yet to see national polls verifying what they are propagating.

4. Re: Herman Cain. It is the dependable, ever energetic and active negroes in the barrel who have propagated and condoned racist tones directed towards his campaign. These are the now amusing “…house negroes” Malcolm X told us about.

Most of these house negroes have now become edge-u-muh-cated; some of them have even become (ahem) teachers and, Lord have mercy, college professors. I suspect they have car notes and mortgage payments like the rest of us now that they are off the Plantation, thanks to the blood of brave Black warriors and little Black children.

It’s so nice seeing Dr. Cornell West and Dr. Eric Dyson et al., on television. Such a thrill seeing how far we Blacks have progressed since Dr. Carter G. Woodson wrote his 1933 thesis, “Mis-education of the negro”. They would do him proud with all their fancy fast talking and using big words and stuff….
As always,

Matt Taibbi 1: Rick Perry 0 - Scathing "Must Read" Expose in Rolling Stone
by cassandracarolina
Read more at:


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