Sunday, July 31, 2011

David Plouffe can not dance the Washington Pretzel

David was on Meet the Press this morning and miserably failed his dance routine regarding raising the debt ceiling.

Mr. Plouffe is Chief Political Advisor to the President.

I’m seeing lots of dances today from politicians and pundits. They are all doing their dances. I’m seeing the “Dance of the Bagel”, the “Hoe Down” and a lot of other creative shit I don’t know what it is. Basically, they are just fanning the air by whatever means necessary. Lots of dust flying.

So far today, the most impressive dance I have seen was performed by Amy Kreger on C-Span. Amy is a representative of the Tea Party Express and in my opinion, gave an elegant rendition of a dance called, “Apple Pie”. That dance bares watching and it appears not too difficult to learn.

At this time and in my opinion, if you plan to stay in Washington, D.C., and if you do not learn “The Washington Pretzel”, don’t unpack your bags! And if you are really serious about staying here, look up the preeminent political dance master, Madeline Albright. Can’t hurt.

As always,
P.S. Re: The Washington Pretzel. Like the man said about pornography, "I don't know how to describe it but I know it when I see it". (Smile)


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