Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A telephone call this morning

“Mr. BB” the voice said, “Can you please tell me what is going on between the Republicans and Democrats?”

This was my barber on the other end of the line between customers. He does that ever so often. Doesn’t bother me. Helps make my day.
- In my opinion, it basically boils down to having a spoiled child who you have given everything he wants.

- What do you mean, Mr. BB?

- I mean there comes a time when you have to put your foot down. There comes a time when you have to tell him you will not give him anymore money until he learns how to control his spending. You tell him he can barely pay the bills he’s already got! You have to tell him absolutely no more money until he accepts some responsibilities for his over spending sprees by buying things he feels he absolutely must have regardless of the cost. Until then, he will not get another damn dime from you. Not one red cent. Nada!

- Uh, yes.

- As far as the debates between the Republicans and Democrats are concerned, the Republicans want a Constitutional Amendment saying you can not spend more money than you have or spend more money than you are earning.

- But that’s common sense.

- You would think so, wouldn't you, but it would mean more money coming in for the banks. They don’t want a Constitutional Amendment putting restraints on them.

- Uh, yes. Tell me Mr. BB, are you going to vote for Pres. Obama at the next election?

- Now that’s personal.

- Gotta go now. A customer just walked in. "Have a seat, Mr. Dorsey." (Click)

As always,


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