Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pres. Obama: “Sleepers awake”

It is truly painful seeing the President having to awaken to the reality that people you are leading want substance more than they want personality.

His most recent efforts to give away the family farm to Republicans has alienated him from many members of his own Democratic party.

He may have had visions of Lincoln saving the Union. He may have envisioned a noble deed with just rewards. We may never know.

As I see it, his unrequited love for bi-partisanship has left him on stage, alone, and as heart broken as Pagliacci.

I watch. I pray. I weep. This is so sad.

As always,

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
Remarks by the President
July 22, 2011
But in the interest of being serious about deficit reduction, I was willing to take a lot of heat from my party -- and I spoke to Democratic leaders yesterday, and although they didn’t sign off on a plan, they were willing to engage in serious negotiations, despite a lot of heat from a lot of interest groups around the country, in order to make sure that we actually dealt with this problem.
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