Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Presidents’ State of the Union Address and the Creepy People

The creepy people are going to be all ears come the moment the President opens his mouth to utter the first syllable of the first word of his first State of the Union Address.

I am mindful this time last year how they absolutely refused to call his first speech to congress a State of the Union Address. As I recall, that was at the same time Joe Wilson shouted , “You lie!” to the President and the press found some body language of Chief Justice Roberts they fantasized was registering objections to what the President was saying. I classify that as behavior of one set of the creepy people.

It is the second set of these creepy people I want to highlight at this time. They are the political pundits and commentators who, after listening to the speech of the President would say, “In other words, the President is saying” or “What the President said was like me taking a trip to the moon thus and so”. To that rhetoric, I say ‘Listener, beware!’ Your red flag should go up. Your sensibilities are being challenged. You know what you heard the President say. You are about to be screwed aka, spun like a top!

In many cases, the creepy people may inject another variable into the conversation in efforts to dis-credit the speech of the President and to muddy the waters. This is done in several ways. It maybe by substituting a new word into the conversation, reciting a parable or pontificating an antidotal story they ask you to confirm is the same thing the President was saying.

They may succeed in re-focusing the conversation. I note many times it does work but back in the day when I was growing up and someone tried to pull that tactic on us, we would simply say, “I ain't talking ‘bout yo Mama, man, I’m talkin’ bout you!’ They would usually get the message loud and clear we are still in control and focused on the conversation.

However, I have on occasions seen the above mentioned techniques work wonderfully well to the delight of both people concerned wherein the opposition was right on target with appropriate and confirming analogies exposing their full understanding of the conversation at hand. No tangents. At that point you can both move forward, start holding hands and begin skipping down the pathway singing Kumbaya. A meeting of two human spirits. Friends.

As always,
P.S. Now that Rahm and Nancy Tee-hee are no longer relevant, I think the President will do great things. That only leaves slow moving, catatonic Harry. Damn!


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