Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hat tip to T.J. Holmes

Mr. Holmes is co-anchor of American Morning on CNN.

Mr. Holmes came to my attention about a month or two ago when he lowered his voice and I was able to understand everything he was saying. It struck me due to the fact lots of commentators try that technique during a segment and most of the time they fail. On that particular occasion when Mr. Holmes lowered his voice, I could understand every word he was saying. Ka-ching! And with no effort on my part, the windows of my mental slot machine read Skill! Talent! Discipline! and I smiled.

So it is yesterday morning, I found myself applauding Mr. Holmes at the end of his short segment with Rep. Steve King. I had to note not having applauded a speech since the Obama primaries, but yesterday sitting in my living room, I did ever so spontaneously applaud once again and it felt good!

Both men spoke well. The dialog between the two was froth with above average rhetorical skills and confidence with salient evidence of hard work and discipline in their backgrounds. It was one of those rare ‘Peaches and cream’ interview for me.

I can well visualize an Arena Stage fund raising “Lincoln-Douglas Debates” production featuring Mr. Holmes and Rep. Steve King.
If an author could create a script named Obamacare, it would do as well. There is some awesome talent between those two men and to repeat myself, it was like peaches and cream. I was very, very impressed (and especially proud of T.J.).

As always,


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