Friday, June 18, 2010

An open letter to Alvin Greene

Dear Mr. Greene,
Some members of the Daily Kos internet community have expressed a desire to help you. As we see it, no one else has offered you a helping hand.

The WWW.Dailykos.Com internet community is a web site dedicated to helping Democrats win in various races.

I sincerely ask you to get on line, make contact with them in the form of writing about yourself, your platform and why you think you would be a good Senator from South Carolina. I think its safe to say they will bend over backwards for you and I promise you that you and the Daily Kos community will weather the storm.

Don’t wait too long. Don’t wait until the media has completely demonized you. The experience may not be as pleasant as you and others would like it to be, but if we keep our eyes on the prize, together we could make a difference.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Very soon! Go to account.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Our Man in South Carolina, Alvin Greene!
by cultjake
I'm sure alot of people consider Mr. Greene to be a flawed messenger. So be it. Not supporting Alvin Greene with information about his opponent, and maybe a small money bomb or two, seems like an opportunity too good to be missed.
We can do the opposition research. We can put some boots on the ground. Alvin Greene is going to get face time with the media simply because of the strange circumstances of his win.

In comment section…
 Alvin needs our help. (6+ / 0-)
Probably more than any other Democrat on the ballot in November. Probably more than any other Democrat, ever. People who think that he is a joke are going to be very surprised - I am willing to bet that he will NOT lose by the biggest margin compared to other unsuccessful Democratic challengers. And with some money and (intensive) coaching, who knows?
I'm in the I-fucking-love-this-guy wing of the Democratic Party!
by doc2 on Fri Jun 18, 2010 at 08:34:01 AM PDT

 My point exactly. (4+ / 0-)
No one seems to want to help the guy.
We could.
It's our turn now.

by cultjake on Fri Jun 18, 2010 at 08:34:57 AM PDT
Read more at:,-Alvin-Greene!


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