Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jews to Blacks: Leave Jewish history alone!

I can not say it does not seem like it happened yesterday because it does.

There was talk Martin Luther King’s speech at the Riverside Baptist Church in New York City titled, *“Beyond Vietnam: A time to break silence” marked him for certain death. He was told not to go into venues in-appropriate to his station in life as a Black minister. In other words, do not go bothering Jewish money.

And there was Leonard Jeffries, the head of the Black Studies Department at the City College of New York who wrote a book about Jews in Hollywood resulting in the lost of his chairmanship at the college. That episode stood out for me because the Jewish community was recorded telling Dr. Jeffries only Jews were permitted to write Jewish history.

And so it appears Dr. Thomas Sowell has ruffled feathers in the Jewish community by invoking Hitlers’ name in his latest writings, hence:
“Thomas Sowell is a sad example of the collapse of conservative scholarship and moral and  intellectual integrity.”
Read more:

I note the intended taboo of talking about Jews on the Black college campus:
Schooled in Hate: Anti-Semitism on Campus
The potential exists for misconceptions, miscommunication, or campus polarization leading to flashpoints of anti-Semitism.

Lecture halls are transformed from places for pursuing higher knowledge to breeding grounds for ethnic hatred. In the process, these entrepreneurs of bigotry generate a significant income from lucrative lecture fees.
Read more at:

In America, there is Freedom of Speech and there is Anti-Semitism.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirit of the unborn for the help,

*Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
By Rev. Martin Luther King
4 April 1967


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