Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pay Your Bills aka Raise Debt Ceiling

It’s hard to imagine many people knew that the term “Raising the debt ceiling” was a misnomer until a few days ago.

During the Presidents’ last speech of his first administration he said, almost casually, (paraphrased) “……raising the debt ceiling only means Congress has given me permission to pay the bills they have incurred.” I almost fell out of my chair! Very few political pundits repeated what he said. Most of them kept talking about the debt ceiling. The term had become a lucrative  cottage industry.

In my opinion, Republicans also heard what the President  said and heard it well due to the fact within a day or two after the speech, they announced intentions of raising the debt ceiling for a time period of three month. Their announcement clearly said to me that the President had quietly called, “Check mate!”

I am mindful of a story I heard long ago about a dying rich man who, on his death bed surrounded by his servants and close relatives, with great efforts raised his head to utter his last words on earth, “Pay your bills”.

As always,

P.S. Of late, I have been asking friends a question or two:
1. Would you vote for another Black President?
2. Would you let your child be placed into a classroom wherein the teacher has a cancelled gun?

Raising the Debt Ceiling, Inch by Inch

House Republicans bowed to the inevitable today and agreed to briefly back off their threat to plunge the government into default.
Read more at:

Eric Cantor Makes Debt Ceiling Offer
WILLIAMSBURG, Va. -- House Republicans will vote next week on a three-month extension of the debt limit, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Friday.
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