Friday, December 14, 2012

Compromise: Trading Rice for Kerry

The President has constantly told us  there will be  times he will make decisions we would not like. I think yesterday was one of those times wherein U.N. Ambassador Dr. Susan Rice (out of the blue) wrote a letter to the President asking for her name to be withdrawn from being considered the next Secretary of State.

 If the President choose Sen. John Kerry, the reportedly next highest contender for the post, a Senate Seat would open up in Massachusetts giving Republican darling Scott Brown a good chance of winning back a Senate Seat he lost to  Elizabeth Warren in 2012.         

End of story! The political composition of the Senate would not change, John Boehner would be happy and the President (No Drama Obama) would get whatever he bargained for  from the deal. It’s called “Compromising”.

As always,
Kudos to Dr. Rice.


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