Sunday, November 25, 2012

Who’s minding the store?

I am going to modify a story I heard long ago while  growing up in Washington, D.C. and when store owners and their families were living above the store:

While holding his weeping wifes’ hand, the aging immigrant store owner lie  on his dying bed calling out the names of  his five  children  as each answers in turn, “Yes, Papa, I’m here.” And when  he ask them in harsh tones, “Den whose minding der store?” they answer in unison, “Obama!”  His wife gently pats his hands as he takes his last dying breaths, “Obama," she says, "Obama is minding the store.”

In my opinion, the ‘powers that be’ holding dual citizenships and financial interests in other countries are pulling out all of the stops  to get the President to take his eyes off the prize of putting America first. As the old folks use to say, “Dey wants to pull him thither and yon.”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Who's minding the store?

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Who's Minding the Store?

By Tom Davis
I would bet my last dollar that Obama is aiming higher than the presidency of the United States of America. How do madmen think? Big and unreasonably. Of a certainty, Obama has henchmen and women in the United States Senate who will follow his lead in any effort to "take over" the United States. Harry Reid is clinically a nutcase, Schumer and Durbin are certifiably demagogues.
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