Thursday, November 29, 2012

There are always dirty dishes in my little kitchen sink

It puzzles me why UN Secretary Dr. Susan Rice does not say she does not want to be considered for U.S. Secretary of State. I am puzzled why she would have meetings with people who have been persistent in their disdain for her regarding issues with the Benghazi incidents. 
Dr. Rice and Sec. Colin Powell are still scratching their heads as to who orchestrated the mis-information they were asked to dissimulate to the public thereby putting a stain on their reputations. Dr. Rice  maybe co-operating with members of the GOP due to the fact she is angry and also wants to find the identity of the person who “sat her up”. To her credit, I note Dr. Rice does not have the reputation of being a shrinking violet.
In my opinion, a Golden Egg Award goes to  Rachel Maddow for her presentation last Tuesday evening. The dialog between Rachel and hostess Andrea Mitchell was a feast for this political junkie.  They were at the top of their game sporting their theories as to why they think the GOP will not confirm Dr. Rice as U.S. Secretary of State.
Watching politics unfold in Washington has become as interesting(?) as witnessing  a jury court room scene i.e., the Obama Administration being the  Prosecuting Attorney and the GOP being a lying, manipulative Defense Attorney who will say anything to get his scum-bag client free of all charges. He is good! He can make some jury members believe Mary married the boy who cried wolf and gave birth to a little lamb, Snow White and three little pigs.  (Listeners to Fox News and AM radio will understand my crazy metaphor.)

As always,


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