Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff of 2012 and Homemade BS

Who would’ve thought the two words “Fiscal Cliff” were two words coming from somewhere in the universe demanding we earthlings make homemade bull shit from scratch with no recipe. It has been a demand with no escape exits, not even emergency ones. The demand has turned out to be an un-avoidable mandate and must be obeyed.

In my experiences, I have never witnessed such an event and for all I know, homemade bull shit may turn out to be good fertilizer for the planet. It may do what fertilizers are supposed to do and that is to promote healthy growth and in that  venue, I remain  optimistic. For all we villagers have endured these past few months, something good has to  come from the end product as stinky as the process may be. 

In my opinion, the good news is the process has provide a good income for those close to the production line.  Rent and  mortgage payments and car notes are being paid on time with perhaps a little spare change to flaunt. There is no worry. For those individuals, the words “Fiscal Cliff” was a gift from the Gods and it does not matter many of them do not know what they are doing on the assembly line but that little fact just maybe one of the more important ingredients when making homemade bull shit.

Said individuals are pompously paraded in the media all dressed up with fancy titles from Senator to Mr. or Ms. Nobody dé Importance making mud pies, mountains out of mole hills and slaying imaginary dragons by playing on words. The word "Imagination" has never had it so good. They are the only people I know who say nothing and do it so well but on the other hand, and to be fair, they may well know the art of making homemade bullshit while mumbling and stirring their cauldrons when the calling comes.

As always,
 P.S. One should be cautious to not confuse old-fashioned Political Sausage Making with Homemade Bull Shit. They are two different cans of worms.  (Smile)


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