Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pelosi at odds with the President?

A few months back, I distantly remember reading that Nancy Pelosi does not agree with Pres. Obamas’  firm commitment to raise taxes for households earning more than $250,000. She wants the threshold to be earnings of $1 million and above along with John Boehner. So much for party loyalty and respect for the President. I never thought she nor Harry Reid cared very much for the President. I feel they are more beholden to their personal financial interests.
As always,

John Boehner Proposes Millionaire Tax Hike In Exchange For Steep Entitlement Cuts
WASHINGTON -- Signaling new movement in "fiscal cliff" talks, House Speaker John Boehner has proposed raising the top rate for earners making more than $1 million, a person familiar with the negotiations said. President Barack Obama, who wants higher top rates for households earning more than $250,000, has not accepted the offer, this person said.
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