Friday, May 25, 2012

“The Three Egos” stump for Romney

There  was the announcement that Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump are going to actively campaign for Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and my Hiney Shiney tells me Rudy Giuliani will not be able to resist dressing up and  joining them.

These male equivalent of Drama Queens will un-questionably finalize the irrelevancy of  Mr. Romney by out-staging, out- performing and asking for more close-ups than the equally vain Norma Desmon asked for in the finale scene of the 1950 movie “Sunset Boulevard”.

- Alright Mr. DeMille, I am ready for my close-up.

The Gods could not have chosen a better mix of characters to be drum majors for the Romney campaign, twirling and waving the much tattered flag of the Republican Party. This is going to be fun! This is going to be more entertaining than  the USO traveling shows of The Andrew Sisters and Bob Hope.  Oh, the colorful cat fights! I’m ecstatic!!

As always,

Newt Gingrich to attend Romney fundraiser with Donald Trump in Las Vegas

By Chris Moody
Read more at:


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