Saturday, September 17, 2011

Is Sen. Reid obstructing democracy?

I am going to delude myself believing I know what I am talking about when I say Sen. Harry Reid is not following the U.S. Constitution when he does not bring a bill to the Senate floor after it has passed in the House.

On Thursday, I spent some quality time watching debates on the House floor regarding HR 2587.

HR 2587 is a bill challenging the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in its attempts to thwart Boeing from opening and moving parts of its company to South Carolina.

I have heard from Republicans and the President himself that bills passed in the House lie languishing on backroom tables in the Senate due to the fact Senate Majority Speaker, Harry Reid, will not bring them to the floor either for discussion or a vote. In my opinion, this is not democratic and the word ‘nefarious’ comes to mind.

This is just another red flag I will be contending with in November of next year. If Mr. Reid feels he is doing his job, I suggest he find another one. I have felt this way about him for a long time.

Bottom line and in my opinion, the conduct of Mr. Reid does not help the President nor the democratic process we all say we are so proud of and we even result to raiding our treasury and murdering citizens in other countries to promote it.

As always,

House passes bill neutering National Labor Relations Board
By C.J. Ciaramella
The NLRB has been the target of Republican ire since the board filed a complaint against Boeing in April for opening a plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state. The NLRB said Boeing was punishing workers in Washington state with the decision
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