Thursday, September 15, 2011

Does the President long for Rev. Jeremiah Wright?

By way of projecting, I would miss the friendship of a minister whom I have known for over twenty years. I would miss discussing past sermons and stories and, yes, the church gossip we could share now that I am President of the United States of America.

Surely I would miss contacts with the man who performed the marriage ceremony between me and my wife, the man who christened my children and intimately knew many of my family members and friends as well as those of my wife.

Such a person as Rev. Wright would be missed in my life. A person who was, to me, not only a deserving father figure but also a good friend and confidant.

Your beloved mother and grand-mother die before seeing you reach the pentacle of your success. Your wife is cruelty characterized by your nemesis and you, you have fears for the well being of your two daughters due to the fact you know future press and your nemesis will also not be kind to them.

You are not privy to friendships with leading Black political minds of today. You are not allowed to have friendships with a Frederick Douglas or a Martin Luther King and you must continue abandoning thoughts of having your half-brothers and sisters and other relatives visit you under any circumstances or for any occasion either at the White House or any other place. There are no family reunions you could attend. Your history and emotional growth has been severed like an umbilical cord.

You have systematically and with diabolical calculations been reduced to having only your private memories and fantasies. You do the best you can to keep going on. You are the true modern day highly intelligent Negro slave. There has been many of us. There are many of us. That is sad, so very sad.

As always,

How The Mighty Have Fallen

by cabaretic
Nearly three years ago, Barack Obama rode a wave of massive popularity all the way into the White House. The movement grew and swelled with every passing day, inspiring ordinary Americans to become enthusiastic and involved with politics again. The excitement of those days has now been replaced by the dazed look I see on the faces of so many people. It seems incomprehensible to see how far his star has fallen since then.
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