Friday, December 03, 2010

Tax Cuts: Rich get richer, poor get wealthier

I have concluded in political terms, “tax cuts” does not mean “lower taxes” as users of the term want to imply and with all deliberations giving absolutely no examples.

By always using the exact same two words, tax cuts, they can continue the manipulation of what is really involved with letting the Bush taxes expire at the end of the year.

In other words and in plain English, those pontificators do not know what they are talking about. Plain and simple. They are going to vote on something pretending they have an understanding of what they are doing but believe me, they do not have the vaguest. Not a clue!

Imagine my disappointment after waiting all day for Rachel to come on to explain it to me what this shit is all about and even she could not get beyond the two words, “tax cuts!”

It was the same ol’ crap: If we let the Bush tax cuts expire, the wealthy will get poorly rich and the poor will get wealthier but not rich and it ain’t necessarily so”. (Smile) I am mindful of the almost and equally meaningless passé expression, “Cutting or lowering the deficit.”
World cup events going to Russia and Qatar.
-OK you guys, we have to make a calendar. We have to decide where we are going to have these next two all star soccer events. You wanna go first, Hugo?

Well, it would have to be a country that would accept the passports of all of the team members and their entourages.

- Singh?
It would have to be a country that has good up to date infrastructure for moving around.

- Muhammad?
It would have to be a country whose citizens would not create embarrassing incidences for members of my entourage.

We wouldn’t want to get robbed or mugged.

- Mr. Chang?
I remember we had to address some media creation stuff about the athletes confronting air pollution. And at some events, there was the unfolding of banners about the human rights of our citizens.

- Hilda?
About that passport thing. What if certain passports are not what they should be for that country? Or worst, not even pre-approved? I mean, supposing we find out that country has decided a member of one of our teams was trained by a teacher who was also trained by a teacher who was called a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer some sixty or seventy years ago? (Sniff) Can you imagine what they would do in the press? And start talking about the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and all? (Sniff) It would be a mess, I tell you, a total and complete mess! (Boo-hoo)

True, and what if a member or some members of our entourage can not get pass a metal detector or something to board his plane to get back home? Or worst, suppose he is arrested in the airport?

-Yes, Mr. Chang, you want to add something?
We want a country that may not be bankrupted by the time we have our events.

- Chuck, I mean, Charles?

- Well then. Hear, hear! Are we talking about having the events in Russia in 2018?
(All) Definitely!

-….and in Qatar in 2022?
(All) Right on!

In todays’ world, it is hard to imagine typing anything and even harder to imagine hand writing something and praying as you hand carry it to a publisher or to the post office.
……Yeah, Ma, all his stuff and all Michelles’ and the girls’ stuff laying all over the lawn and in the driveway and there’s a man there changing the locks on the doors and all those people around yelling and screaming! Gates? Did you say gates? They tore those mugs down! Do you think Obama and his family are going on a winter vacation or something? Huh? What does reading something in Wikileak have to do with it? Pain? Oh, Spain! Wait a minute. There he is now. He’s running down the driveway! Look, he’s trying to hail a cab. This is embarrassing!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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