Monday, August 02, 2010

Light at the end of the “Middle class” tunnel

At the end of the tunnel something which makes you believe that a difficult or unpleasant situation will end. We're halfway through our exams now, so we can see light at the end of the tunnel . Unemployment is still rising but analysts assure us there is light at the end of the tunnel. See also: end, light, tunnel

On my television, I saw the modestly dressed and well spoken man seated at his stall on a street corner somewhere in Cuba. Scattered on the short and narrow table before him were residing four or five cigarette lighters of various shapes and size co-hosting a large can of butane lighter fluid. This modestly dressed and well spoken man had a job to do. Mr. Lopez (made up name) was at work.

In order for Mr. Lopez to receive benefits from the state, he has to re-fill cigarette lighters with butane lighter fluid. That’s all he has to do. I learned the job was given to him by the Cuban government. “All the money I get is mine,” he smiled. “I can keep it.”

It is my understanding everybody in Cuba has to work at a job provided by the state to qualify for free health care, a place to live and free education up to and including graduation from college. I do not know how this applies to persons working in the private sectors. It was not disclosed.

So it is, a smaller government has less and more efficient moving parts to keep up with. There are those in America with loud cries for a smaller government and, in my opinion, overlooking the fact there is the system of relativity accompanying such a desire. Whether in a country, state, town or tiny village, a small government has minimum requirements for its citizens; in its basic form, citizens have to work, stay healthy and take advantage of the educational system.

If the American middle class were truly “Gone with the wind” due in part to globalization, and if there were no longer enough money for home ownership, high rent apartments, exorbitant health care prices and educational advantages, we here in America have to start planning and preparing plan “B”; a smaller government, if you will.

Once the realities of jobs being indefinitely gone from our shores and we realize our American oligarchy will not help us survive due to the fact it is not in its nature, let us bow our heads and pray:
"God, Give us the grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed, Courage
to change the things which should be changed,
And the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."

(From "The Serenity Prayer" by Elisabeth Sifton)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. God bless our President, Barack Obama.


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