Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Afghanistan and what my Hiney Shiney tells me

My frail, fallible Hiney Shiney is all aglow regarding Americans constantly going to Afghanistan.

Statesmen, private citizens and people many of us have not heard of all going to Afghanistan to sign contracts, it tells me. This part of their visits we do not see but just as we have electronic signatures, perhaps their mere appearance can represent a signature sealing their various financial interest in the country.

My frail and fallible Hiney Shiney peaked when Sen. McCain and his wife Cindy were the first arrivals in the country of Georgia when Russia intervened in a Civil War to save its citizens closely followed by American re-construction plans. And of late, it is Sen. McCain who wants us to stay in Afghanistan. Interesting!

Now that Pres. Obama has “modified” the June, 2011 date for our forces to leave Afghanistan, more people are making surprised visits to Afghanistan with equal escalations of talks regarding building the infrastructure of the country with more U.S. Treasury.

My Hiney Shiney tells me something is smelling awful when people like Queen Elizabeth suddenly make a media suggested public relations visit to the U.S. and When VP Biden makes those surprised visits to Afghanistan along with equally surprising visits from Bernanke and Sec. Of Treasury Tim Geithner. I am mindful we are scheduled to take 20 billion dollars from the British Petroleum empire treasury.

Ol’ Hiney wonders who are in their entourage and for what purpose?

Finally, my frail and fallible Hiney Shiney wonders who sign contracts giving away our treasury and borrowing money. How do the contracts read? I understand there is an American woman owning a hotel in Afghanistan along with other Americans owning concessions. How are those contract negotiated? Are they negotiated through the State Department or Pentagon? Do Gens. McChrystal and Petraues have such a financial interest? My Hiney Shiney continues to wonder and wander in its dark and murky soupy fog.
As always,


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