Tuesday, January 22, 2013

“Pres. Obama has the courage to be kind.” Maya Angelou

The night before the second Presidential Inauguration, Piers Morgan aired an interview with Ms. Angelou asking her what she thought about the Presidents’ first four years in office.

I thought about that interview the entire day while watching the inauguration determined to not be conflicted with talks about the President not reaching out to Republicans and him worrying about his legacy and other such nonsense.

When facts are pointed out that the President has constantly reached out to Republicans, counter arguments are always what Reagan, FDR or Lincoln did so many years ago.

In my opinion, those delusional pundits and commentators want the President to do what he will never do. They want to see him groveling and as one pundit put it, shuckin’ and jiving’. That will not happen.

There may be many obstacles in the path of the President having the courage to be kind but one has to be realistic in knowing  there are things in life that can not and will not change for the good of all mankind.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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