Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Romney campaign Vs. The Keystone Cops

In referring to a recent incident involving the Mitt Romney Campaign, former President Bill Clinton said, “….I did not know whether to laugh or cry” and Pres. Obama with the companion  and pristine quote, “…they shoot before they aim”. With that quote,  I am mindful of the questionable gunshot  incident involving  seasoned hunter VP Dick Cheney and campaign contributor Harry Whittington

I can both laugh and cry at the whole Romney Campaign with fading memories of seeing The Keystone Cops in silent films.  Most memorable is an episode involving the precinct cops preparing to go to a fire.

To further narrow my episodes of laughing ‘til I cry is yet another fading memory relating  team  Romney and Ryan to the hilarity in the Laurel and Hardy film titled “The Piano Movers”.

I use to show these films to students in my General Music Classes in the 70’s and 80’s (memory fades once again) as part of my unit on background music, adding music to a scene or a relationship to incidental music in  Broadway Musicals. I really do not recall my justifications but I do remember the students enjoying them very much and got my musical point, whatever it was. I do not know if these films are still in existence for public viewing and I could not find these specific films during a google search.

As always,
P.S. Riots in Syria and Egypt: I note mainstream media has thus far avoided  mentioning the fate of film maker Theo Van Gogh and another man who wrote an Anti-Muslim book sparking riots in the Muslim world. Without question, I feel we can look forward to more U.S. troops dying for the deliberate and contrived religious insensitiveness of others.  Sad..


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