Friday, May 04, 2012

More Hitler than Holder

For the past few days, I have heard more about Adolph Hitler than good news coming from the DOJ and recent accomplishments of Sec. Eric Holder as follows:

Reuters: U.S. Charges More Than 100 For Medicare Fraud Schemes U.S. authorities have charged 107 people, including doctors and nurses, for trying to defraud the federal Medicare healthcare program for the elderly and disabled of about $452 million, the biggest Medicare fraud sweep to date, the Obama administration said on Wednesday. At least 91 people were arrested in Miami; Houston; Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and four other cities on a variety of charges: from submitting false billing for home healthcare, mental health services, HIV infusions and physical therapy to money laundering and receiving kickbacks (Pelofsky, 5/2). Read more at:

More Chen than Hillary and Geithner In my opinion, Chen Guancheng news is a brilliant distraction from Sec. Hillary Clinton and treasury secretary Tim Geithner going to China trying to conceal their US begging bowls. I wager they are there signing up for more loans from China. When Hillary yells civil rights abusers to the Chinese, will they yell Trayvon Martin back at her? (Smile)

I heard China officials say they are spending their time pulling a billion of their people our of abject poverty and do not have time to deal with people or countries wanting to intervene into their internal affairs.
Chen Guangcheng in Beijing hospital says he’d like to leave China, but U.S. options are few.
Read more here:
The GOP and the need for mental health intervention
In my opinion, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to deny the un-stable rhetoric coming from members of the GOP and their minions.

Long story short, it is time our mental health communities make meaningful contributions to the effects such rhetoric from the GOP has on the stability of a society.

The GOP know they do not have a prayer in hell of getting into the White House in 2012. I can not imagine anyone wanting the White House going to a person (Mitt Romney) who has visions of putting Robert Bork on the United States Supreme Court and keeps ties with Dick Cheney and wants his wife to be his co-President.

With all the technological advances we have made, human behavior remains the same. I don’t think it will ever change. There are crazy people in this world!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. I sent a message to Google. It's hard to write on this site now. Much to much need for formatting.


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