Monday, April 16, 2012

Tim Geithner and “…what the President did”.

1. I was amused on Sunday watching Meet The Press and hearing Treasury Secretary Geithner talking about what “he did” (the President) and what “we did” (the both of us) in reference to the economy and taxes. In my opinion, the interchanging of pronouns was curious. It gave me the impression of efforts to CYA. (Smile)


2. It appears AM talk show host and Fox News contributors are having serious mental meltdowns regarding Pres. Obama. They have embarrassed themselves only short of lowering their drawers and panties in front of TV cameras inviting the President to kiss their asses. You do not think decent people would go to such lengths but to date, there are no pills nor vaccines for ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) so we have to prepare ourselves for the worst.

I hope it does not get to the point they have to be quarantined. Where would we take them? Who would go near them trying to take care of them and give them some comfort? And they think all their troubles will be over at the ballot box in November. What a tragedy!


3. The head of the Presidents’ Secret Service unit was not able to protect the President from White House gate crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi and now it seems he can not control the womanizing of his agents while they are on duty, once again placing the President at risk. However, he can stay on his job but Van Jones had to go.
As always,


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