Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the beginning, “You lie!” was hurled at the President

During the primary season of 2007 and 2008, there were nasty and insulting things said to and about Presidential candidate Obama. I, like most people, felt the mean and nasty things would come to a screeching halt once he became President of the United States with help from “…all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men” aka, an administration.

We Obama supporters thought further mean and nasty things would be appropriately dealt with by the administration. We thought certain dignities afforded the Presidency would prevail and after the nail-biting election in November '08, we were rather smug in our convictions that surely overtly mean and nasty things directed towards the President would now be in the past and lain to rest. How wrong we were.

When GOP Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You lie!” during the Presidents’ speech to Congress one year later in Nov. ‘09, all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men did not circle the President but rather shamelessly scattered and ran in opposite directions like the cowards they were leaving the President to fin for himself. It was a politically awkward and very volatile position in which they placed the President. This indignity did not go un-noticed. There were others who now felt they could further push issues of dis-respecting the President.

Next, there was the couple *Michaele and Tareq Salahi who un-lawfully (we thought) sneaked into the White House during a formal state dinner to fraternize with the invited guest and members of the administration. After the incident, all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men made amateurish attempts at dancing and frolicking, kicking and throwing dust around to camouflage the scene we had all witnessed. The incident was not taken seriously as a breach of security. I suppose members of the administration felt the public needed a little comic relief at this juncture of the Obama administration.

And so it is, Mark Sullivan, head of the security forces whose job it is to protect the President, chief attendant and care-giver to (all together now) all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men is saddled with a sex scandal that could have once again put the well being of the President in peril. For shame! What a poor testament to the September ‘09 “resignation” of Van Jones, White House Special Advisor on Greening America.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors, God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Read more at:


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