Monday, September 05, 2011

Tea Party: A noun, a verb and Obama

(Taken from a quote of VP Biden in reference to Mayor Guliani: A noun, a verb and 911)

It was an accident I landed on C-Span to catch the beginning of a rally for Sarah Palin this past Saturday. The event was called Tea Party of America Rally and it was in Ohio.

This would be my first time seeing an entire rally featuring Ms. Palin so I felt it was time to “edumacate” myself as to what really goes on at one of her throw-downs.

There were female singers and four guys doing the warm-ups for the rally. All of the guys were radio personalities from the Ohio area.

One guy came on stage smoking and sporting a large cigar ala Groucho Marx and after him there was a comedian who told us several times that he was a Jewish comedian and he told a few Jewish jokes.

It was raining, umbrellas were up and the audience, at that time, was thin. I was trying my best to understand what was going on when Charlie Gruschow, VP and co-founder of the rally said during his warm-up remarks, “Barack Husein Obama, what an insane name.” and went on to sing praises to Sarah Palin.

At that point and after such a long warm-up period, I felt that Sarah had decided not to participate in such a charade. I was wrong. She did come on stage and continued what I had already heard from the warm-up boys: A noun, a verb and Obama.

By this time, the audience had grown larger and it had stopped raining. The grey heads with umbrellas and lawn chairs had faded into the background and I grew weary of hearing Ms. Palins' voice and all of those unusual vocal inflections.

~The next show I saw on Saturday was one on the Koch brothers wherein I learned they have a tea party chapter called Americans for Prosperity. I remember hearing that VP Chaney also has a Tea Party chapter.

The reality has become apparent there are different chapters in the Tea Party movement just as there are different chapters of the VFW, Rotary Club and Boys Scouts of America. In my opinion, a person who makes references to the Tea Party should identify the chapter and its founder. They can’t all be the same. I learned a lot on Saturday. (Pat on the back)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Lo and behold!! Article actually gives names! Mr. Schinella does what a good journalist is expected to do.
Liberty Groups Rail Against Romney
By Tony Schinella
Tea Party organizations in New Hampshire....(and) the candidate was speaking at the Tea Party Express rally....(and) Jerry DeLemus, of the Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC,....(and) Tim Carter, a leader within the Lakes Region Tea Party (and) Andrew Hemingway, the chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire....(and) Jackie Bodnar, a representative of FreedomWorks,
Read more at:


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